Discover Your DharmaTM in 21 Days
Discover Your Unique Life Purpose And Take Aligned Action on Living a Life of Fulfillment, Flow + Freedom
Join an Immersive 21-Day Experience Led by Best-Selling Author and #1 Spirituality Podcast Host, Sahara Rose, to Discover Your Soul’s Unique Calling

For The Person Who Is Ready To Make This
The Year They Step Into Their Dharma
Do you currently have zero sense of purpose and feel lost with how to make life meaningful?
Do you feel deep in your soul that you have a greater purpose but are overwhelmed and confused about how to live in alignment with it?
Are you a multi-passionate person who wants more direction so you can know what to actually focus on to be able to make progress and impact on the life that’s calling you?
Do you know deep down that your highest form of joy is your highest form of service but need clarity on how to uncover what that joy is?

The truth is most people never find their purpose.
That doesn’t mean they don’t have one. It means they haven’t gotten the opportunity or had the curiosity to inquire deeper within.
Our school system doesn’t foster us developing our gifts.
It tells us to sit down, listen, and not ask questions. It gives us our schedules: 8 am is Algebra and 9 am is history and 10 am is Science…
We are told what to do, how to behave, and what to think without ever being asked what we are genuinely interested in.
There are no classes in school on discovering your purpose. In fact, most families don’t even address it. “Follow your dreams” feels like this far-off vision of becoming an astronaut or movie star, then you’re told to snap into reality and get a 9-5 job you despise.
“This is life,” you’re told.
So it makes sense that you are…
- Confused about what you want to do with your life and how to live in a way that’s meaningful and impactful.
- Wrestling with a heart that’s screaming “You’re here to make a difference!” while your mind is yelling “But I don’t know how!!” or “With WHAT? What do I even bring to the table?”
- Reading more and more spiritual books trying to find the answers…Yet feeling pulled further away from your unique path, and feeling you need to constantly learn MORE from other people
- Distracted by Netflix or social media - comparing yourself to others who seem to be walking in their purpose, while you’re still confused and figuring it out.
- Beginning to face the regret of never living in alignment with your true passion.
Only a few years ago, I was confused, overwhelmed, and not sure if I even had a purpose…And eventually, that lack of alignment showed up for me physically.
When I was only in my 20’s, I began showing menopause symptoms: hot flashes, mood changes, trouble sleeping…you name it. I was depleted of hormones and not healing, even after countless doctor visits and prescriptions.
I knew the root cause of my health problems was something deeper than what the doctors were telling me, and that knowing led me to discover Ayurveda.
I spent 2 years in India, studying and applying Ayurveda, and through that, I completely reversed all of my health problems. And even more, I developed a passion for eastern approaches, spirituality, and the mind-body connection.

And that’s how I learned about
The ancient Sanskrit word that refers to your soul’s purpose—the big reason why you are here—And it’s not just what you do, but how you do it, and why you do it.
After healing my hormonal issues through lifestyle changes alone, I realized that the reason why I was given this health challenge to begin with is that it was my work to teach it.
And that became my why. My purpose. My dharma.
When the ‘what ifs’ and the moments of doubt threatened to take over and halt me on my path, I decided to just ‘Imagine’...
…Imagine if I get a book about this out into the world
…Imagine how many lives will be forever transformed
…Imagine the impact it will have for generations
Beyond that wake-up call, I started listening to synchronicities and saying ‘yes!’ to myself.
I took heart-led risks (like walking up to Deepak Chopra at a conference to tell him about my book) and jumped on opportunities that made little sense, even when I had no money in my bank account and zero support from my family.
You may think it was a smooth ride for me to get onto my path and live my dharma…
But before this became my reality, there were years when I tirelessly threw myself at the wall trying to ‘figure out’ my life’s purpose and felt sick, depleted, and hopeless along the way…

And, maybe you’re at that point now?
Anxiously waiting for your life and purpose to be handed to you and hoping your rock bottom will snap you from confusion into alignment with your purpose and success?
If so, I’ve got good news for you:
You don’t have to live with dread, remorse, and anxiety.
In fact, living your dharma is the polar opposite.
It’s living a life of ease, joy, fulfillment, freedom and fun..
It’s time to wake up to Your Soul’s Calling, Embody Your Gifts, and Live Your Dharma
Are you ready to live a life by your design based on your unique soul's desire…
So that you can:
- Reclaim your soul’s knowing and become the most authentic and self-expressed version of yourself
- Live a fulfilled life of freedom that is divinely supported by the overarching purpose of why you’re here on Earth
- Confidently follow your unique life curriculum, instead of the generic one you’ve always been told to follow
- Create your dream income and career whether it’s owning a 6, or 7-figure business, having a personal brand where you share your story and gifts, or working at an incredible job with a steady income that honors your talents
- Connect deeply with yourself and your intuition and receive daily clarity on the exact steps to take to follow that inner guidance
- Rediscover the innate joy and flow in life when you are connected to and living in alignment with the truth inside your soul that knows life is to be enjoyed!
- Take action on the passion projects or hobbies that honor your creativity and uniquely channeled gifts
- Be seen, heard, and celebrated for who you are as a unique soul…without comparison, jealousy, or insecurities about how you measure up against others
The Dharma Discovery

The Dharma Discovery Journey™ was designed to take you from not knowing what your purpose is, to having a clear sense of who you are, what your gifts are, and how to start living from your Dharma.
Imagine the transformation you can have with a deep knowing of where to direct your energy, so you no longer waste time running around in circles and second-guessing yourself.
This is the exact course I wish I had when I was finding (or should I say remembering) my purpose.
I went through all the confusion, uncertainty, overwhelm, and anxiety you are going through now and have come through it more aligned, purposeful, and powerful than I could have ever imagined. And now I’m here to guide you to do the same: to find your unique dharma.
What Makes The Dharma Discovery Journey Different?

Discover Your Life’s Unique Purpose in Just 21 Days
It is proven that daily, consistent, short-term immersions have a more powerful and lasting effect than weekly, hour-long courses (which we both know you aren’t going to finish).
Inside The Dharma Discovery Journey, you receive all of the daily guidance, exact actionable steps, and self-inquiry to receive the powerful, dharma-evoking realization you need AND align your life with it in just three weeks.

Alchemize Information into Embodiment
Unlike other courses, The Dharma Discovery Journey isn’t about overloading you with information you’ll never do anything with. Instead, you will be guided on exactly how to take what you learn in this course and turn it into embodied wisdom that you live by.
When you know how to apply what you learn, you can release everything you are not, and step powerfully into who it is you truly are.

Grounded, Pragmatic, Zero Fluff
Blame it on my seven planets in Capricorn, but I keep it real, grounded, fluff-free, and pragmatic. It’s part of my dharma to make this journey as simple and easy to fit into your life as possible.
You’ve already waited this long to unlock your life of flow, fun, and fulfillment that comes when you uncover your dharma….I’m not about to make you sit through unnecessary information that delays your calling even longer!

Action Packed
There is one thing that will make you feel even more frustrated and stuck than not knowing your dharma… And that is knowing your soul’s purpose yet not knowing what to DO with it. And this is the key that most courses out there miss: HOW to actually live your dharma by taking consistent, aligned action out in the world.
In the 21-Day Discover Your Dharma Journey you will not only get clarity on what you’re here to do in your life, you’ll craft a personal Dharma Action Plan so you know exactly what to do to make your purpose your lived reality.

No more confusion and overwhelm when it comes to your purpose
When you join me on this journey, you get access to my proprietary step-by-step process called the Dharma Blueprint™.
When you have this process at your disposal --- along with the dharma-evoking, daily self coaching tools, workbooks, journal prompts AND exclusive bonus practices --- you will unlock clarity on your dharma, confidence in how to LIVE it, and a deep knowing of who you are.
PLUS: Use your exclusive Discover Your Dharma bonuses to keep the insight, creativity, and flow going beyond the 21 days of the course.
So Here’s What You Get by Joining Discover Your Dharma Today:

- A 21-Day Protocol with me, Sahara Rose, including my Proprietary 5-Phase Dharma Discovery Blueprint
You and I are going to spend 21 days together, unpacking the 5 unique phases of your dharma, and unraveling parts of yourself so you can experience the truth of who you are.
This is where you get to create a consistent routine of dedicated time for just YOU and your deeper purpose.
- Fillable Workbooks, Reflective Journal Prompts, Dharma Evoking Questions, and Truth-Uncovering Practices
Receive daily prompts to accompany the video trainings that will take you further into your internal wisdom and unlock your true purpose.
These questions will be unique to you and are designed to take you through a journey of uncovering your soul’s deep knowing and wisdom.
- Self-Coaching Tools
Here, I have distilled the methods that I have used with thousands of students on exactly how to move past blocks, doubts, overwhelm, and confusion and get you into aligned action.
Taking action toward your dharma is one of the most vulnerable things you can do
- Mobile Friendly Viewing
As we all are ancient souls in a modern body, I’ve made it extra easy for you to take this training on the go in the modern world so you can make this routine habitual. So whether you are listening during an at-home yoga session, or on a drive to Whole Foods while listening, I’ve got you covered.
Plus - Join Now and Receive These Exclusive Bonuses to Deepen and Expand your Dharma Journey:
These carefully curated bonuses can be combined into a powerful and intentional daily ritual to keep you in constant flow and creation with your soul’s purpose.
Or use them intuitively when you feel blocked or overwhelmed with how to apply what you discover during --- and beyond --- your 21-Day Dharma Discovery Journey.

Bonus 1
Discover Your Dharma™ Meditation to tune into your soul’s whisper ($47 Value)
An exclusive meditation guided by Sahara to connect you directly with your own divine intuitive knowing. Call on this meditation when you need to drop from your mind and into your body to receive your inner guidance and develop a conscious relationship with the unique way your soul communicates with you.
Perfect to incorporate into your morning routine to begin each day in conscious co-creation with your dharma.

Bonus 2
Dharma Embodiment Practice ($97 Value)
It is so easy to take program after program without ever taking what you learn intellectually and actually applying it to your life. But it’s only through the application that the transformation you desire can truly happen. This is where embodiment comes in.
This sensual embodiment practice will guide you to release stagnant energy and create space in your body so you can receive and live by your dharma.
This is how you support the mind-focused, masculine work of understanding and knowing your dharma: by taking it to your BODY to integrate the empowered, intuitive feminine side.

Bonus 3
Dharma Tapping Practice ($147 Value)
Join me in a powerful guided tapping practice to restore balance with any disrupted or stagnant energy.
Even if you have clarity and confidence in your dharma, you’ll encounter challenges along your way to living in full alignment with it.
This blissful tapping practice is designed to be tuned into whenever you feel stuck on your journey so that you can break through any limiting beliefs that arise, recalibrate, and return to ease and flow once more.
$290 Worth of bonuses - FREE when you Join Today

Your Total Investment: $249 $149
*For a limited time*

"This course is downright magical and I feel like I’ve learned more about myself in the past 21 days than I could in a lifetime. Seriously, it’s that good. Sahara is an insightful guide and pushes you to think in creative ways and really examine who you are and what you’re meant to do on this earth. I now have a newfound appreciation for myself and am confident in what I’m supposed to do during this lifetime."
- Kathryn K.
"This course blew me away. By the end of the 21 days, I left with a clear sense of what to focus my energy on and more passion, dedication and excitement than ever before!"
- Ann S.
"Beyond the lessons themselves, the greatest gift from this course is the energetic one. The enthusiasm with which Sahara expresses herself and the vibration she emits - I feel like by simply engaging in the energy of this course this class, I am experiencing effortless, positive energetic shifts in my day-to-day life. Thank you, Sahara!"
- Sarah R.
Your Dharma Journey at a Glance:
Phase 1: Setting The Foundation
In this first week, you will set yourself up for success by grounding into the program and gai clarity on what Dharma means to you.
Plus, discover your dosha and how it influences your dharma.
Phase 2: Uncover Your Unique Essence
During this phase, you will discover the natural mediums that channel through you, discover your Dharma Archetype, uncover your superpower and explore your unique energetic signature.
Phase 3: Taking Aligned Action
This is where you take your dharma out into the world through aligned action. You will do this by finding your superpower that will support you as you begin living your purpose, getting confident in letting your Freak Flag fly, and mapping out your very own Dharma Action Plan.
Plus, prepare for and overcome the fears that often keep people from staying on their soul’s path, so that YOU get to be one of the few dharma-seekers who truly does get to live out their purpose.
What if this was the moment everything started for you?
Make this the year you ground your visions and take them to action. No more waiting.
It’s time to put your dharma first and actualize your highest self.
I’m Ready To Discover My Dharma!

Sahara Rose is an ancient soul in a modern body. She has been called “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift” by Deepak Chopra, who wrote the foreword of her three books. She is the best-selling author of Discover Your Dharma, Eat Feel Fresh, Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda, A Yogic Path Oracle Deck, and Reflective Journal.
She hosts the Highest Self Podcast, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 35 million downloads. Sahara is the founder of Rose Gold Goddesses, the sacred sisterhood collective about honoring the Goddess within. She’s been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal Magazine, as well as in Vogue, Forbes and NBC.
She's here to remind you of your purpose so you can embody your soul mission on this planet. When she’s not writing books or channeling podcasts, you can find her dancing, drumming and DJing.
You don’t have to go through all the years, hardships and struggles that I did to find your purpose.
In fact, it can be easy, fluid, and effortless... Because that is the true nature of dharma.
Just Imagine…
Waking up at whatever time you desire and feeling excited for the day ahead.
Because you’ve created a life of freedom that allows you to live each day with joy, and on a schedule YOU have created for yourself. -
Being continuously inspired by the work you are doing
You never feel lost, stuck, or confused again because your connection with the truth inside of you keeps you in continuous flow. -
Feeling energized by the creativity channeling through you
No more feeling depleted and burnt out trying to live somebody else’s life; because living your dharma has connected you with an infinite source of divine energy. -
Knowing you’re living in alignment with your gifts and soul’s mission on this planet.
The anxiety and overwhelm of trying to figure life out have dissolved --- because you now have a deep, unshakable soul connection with exactly why you’re here.
Getting to express your unique way of seeing the world.
You incarnated in this life as YOU for a reason and now you truly see why the world needs you in your unique expression! -
Sharing your talents with confidence and being rewarded for them.
There is no more shame, doubt, or comparing yourself to what others are doing now that you’re owning and being recognized for your gifts.
Knowing that you are really making a difference.
Nothing feels more purposeful than being a divine part of making lasting change in the world simply by flowing with who you truly are.
This is not only possible for you, but your birthright, by discovering your dharma.
If I hadn’t awakened to my purpose, I wouldn’t be here right now sharing with you.
Now imagine what awaits you (and the world) when you step into your soul mission, too.
What Dharma Seekers Are Saying:

The Dharma Discovery Journey is for You If You Are:
- Ready to make THIS the year you step into your purpose.
- Here in this lifetime to walk a unique path of success… but all you’ve been shown is the mainstream route…
- Confused about how to live your life in a way that’s meaningful and impactful.
- Feeling pulled further away from your unique path, and like you need to constantly learn MORE from other people.
- Comparing yourself to others who seem to be walking in their purpose, while you’re still confused and figuring it out.
- Beginning to face the regret of never living in alignment with your true passion.

So WHY Now?
You know you have a purpose.
And you're frustrated you can’t find it. You wouldn’t be reading this far if you didn’t feel this way. I get it and have been there too.
So, you have two options:
If you do nothing this year and just hope your dharma will magically unfold without taking any action, investing any time or doing any work around it, you will probably have a repeat of your last and complain why things weren’t better.
(Most people are going to do this.)
What if this was the year you finally MADE it?
The year that your income, schedule, mindset, lifestyle, intuition, and entire experience shifts.
The year you created your ideal income, schedule, and daily routine by living your dharma.
The year you discover and embody your dharma and have the best year of your life, despite what was happening in the world around you.
The year you begin creating sustainable solutions to the world’s problems and doing it from a place of ease, joy, fluidity, and fun.
Are you ready?
I'm Ready To Live A Life Of Purpose!Here’s What You’ll Receive When Joining This Transformational 21-Day Experience:

Plus - Join Now and Receive These Exclusive Bonuses

$249 $149
I'm Ready To Say Yes To My Dharma!