Our society, school system and families have not trained us to follow our intuition and honor our dharmas.
In fact, it can feel like totally foreign territory.
We don’t even know what dharma feels like.
We’ve never seen anyone living it.
We’re told “Life’s tough, get a helmet.”
We’re surrounded by miserable people.
We’re told following your dreams is like believing in Santa Claus.. Something they tell you as a kid that you eventually grow out of.
We haven’t done any training to help us uncover what our purpose is..
Ironically, when this is the most important aspect of our lives.
And, this is where we start.
Discovering your dharma is the most important work you can do. Without it, life is like food without seasoning, something is missing.
We will forever be trying to fill that void and chase fleeting happiness, when true happiness is the fruit under its tree: purpose.
Happiness is the byproduct of living your purpose.
The only way we can truly be happy and change the world is by embodying our dharmas. And it’s more needed now than ever before.

I’ve gone from confused, overwhelmed and not even trusting if I really had a purpose, with a disapproving family who threatened to disown me and said I’d become homeless if I tried to become an author...
To writing three best-selling books(all with forewords by Deepak Chopra), hosting the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 25 million downloads, The Highest Self Podcast, inspirational speaking on stages with thousands of live audience members at places like Google and Facebook, and creating a thriving membership community with over 2,000 members all about honoring the Goddess within, Rose Gold Goddesses, and even gracing the cover of Yoga Journal Magazine!

None of this would have been possible (nor would I have even known I had the potential to create this as my reality) if I had not discovered my dharma.

Blame it on my seven planets in Capricorn, but I like to keep it real, grounded and pragmatic. I don’t do fluff, small-talk or regurgitate information from other teachers.
Every single thing you will learn in this course was channeled through me to create a full-proof method that would allow anyone to discover their dharma. Leaving no souls behind!
I created the exact course I wish I had when I was finding (or should I say remembering) my purpose. I went through all the confusion, uncertainty, overwhelm and anxiety you are going through now and have come through it more aligned, purposeful and powerful then I could have ever imagined. And now I’m here to guide others to do the same, in their own unique versions.
There has never been a more important time for people to embody their purposes. The world needs you in your full power, sharing your gifts with the planet.

The world needs your magic and frankly, it can’t become whole without it.
Are you going to let another year pass by distracted by what’s happening in the world around you and giving up your power again and again..?
..Or are you going to reclaim your sovereignty, own your path and focus on your dharma, understanding how this is the true way we change the world?
You decide.
I'm In!
You don’t have to spend all the years, hardships and struggles I did to find your purpose.
In fact, it can be easy, fluid and effortless.. Because that is the true nature of dharma.
Have you ever given 21 days continuously to focus on your purpose?
Probably not.
Have you ever been mentored by someone who has embodied living theirs, extensively studied the subject and written a best-selling book on it?
Again, probably not.
You know what your journey looks like without mentorship on finding your purpose.
Now imagine if you did.

The Dharma Discovery Journey™ was designed to take you from not totally knowing what your purpose is to having a clear sense of who you are, your gifts and what to take action on.
Imagine the transformation you can have in just 21 days with a deep knowing of where to direct your energy, so you no longer waste time running around in circles and second-guessing yourself.
I know how busy you are and don’t need another thing on your to-do list to stress over, so that’s why each day will only take you less than 10 minutes to complete.

I know how busy you are and how urgent finding your dharma feels, which is why I have uniquely created this as a 21 day immersive experience with less than 10 minutes a day of practices!

Daily videos
Recorded vertically so you can watch from anywhere on your phone

Daily Lessons
Jam-packed so you can have transformations in less than 10 minutes

To to ask yourself to take you further into your own internal wisdom

Journal prompts
To pull out the deeper desires in your soul

To help you move past blocks, doubts, overwhelm and confusion

Of aspects of your dharma so you can hone in on putting it all together.

"This course is downright magical and I feel like I’ve learned more about myself in the past 21 days than I could in a lifetime. Seriously, it’s that good. Sahara is an insightful guide and pushes you to think in creative ways and really examine who you are and what you’re meant to do on this earth. I now have a newfound appreciation for myself and am confident in what I’m supposed to do during this lifetime."
- Kathryn K.
"This course blew me away. By the end of the 21 days, I left with a clear sense of what to focus my energy on and more passion, dedication and excitement than ever before!"
- Ann S.
"Beyond the lessons themselves, the greatest gift from this course is the energetic one. The enthusiasm with which Sahara expresses herself and the vibration she emits - I feel like by simply engaging in the energy of this course this class, I am experiencing effortless, positive energetic shifts in my day-to-day life. Thank you, Sahara!"
- Sarah R.
"I've already had an eye-opening experience on day 1! You have shown to be a great light in my life. I love this course!"
- Leah S.
"This course has been life changing! It calls for true dedication to yourself. Sahara puts her heart and soul into this and it shows as I can feel my soul tugging me along to grow and learn."
- Tara S.

It’s proven that daily consistent short term immersions have more effect than weekly 6-week hour-long courses (which we both know you aren’t going to finish).
Make this the year you ground your visions and take them to action so you can look back at this time in your life as when it all started.
It’s time to put your dharma first and actualize your highest self.
Don’t know where to start? Start here.

You know you have a purpose. And you're frustrated you can’t find it. You wouldn’t be reading this far if you didn’t feel this way. I get it and have been there too.
You have two options:
If you do nothing this year and just hope your dharma will magically unfold without taking any action, investing any time or doing any work around it, you will probably have a repeat of 2020 and look back on this year and complain why things weren’t better. (Most people are going to do this.)
You can look back at this year as the year that changed everything. The year you finally committed to your path. The year that your income, schedule, mindset, lifestyle, intuition and entire experience shifted. The year you discovered and embodied your dharma and had the best year of your life, despite what was happening in the world around you. You are creating sustainable solutions to the world’s problems and doing it from a place of ease, joy, fluidity and fun.
Which do you choose?

I know what you’re thinking.
I really *want* to join but this course probably costs over $1000, like the rest.
Well, no.
It isn’t $1000, it isn’t $500, it isn’t even $300.
To make it accessible to the most amount of people as possible while honoring the depth of the content, I made the Dharma Discovery Journey™ only $249.

Every day you aren’t living your dharma is another day wasted, not utilizing your full potential, honoring your gifts or experiencing the wisdom that lives within you.
Every day you spend anxious is a day you could’ve spent inspired. Every day you spend confused is a day you could’ve had clear. Every day you wait, is another day you’ll regret.
How many more days will you waste scrolling and instead commit to your dharma?
This course won’t always be here. But you will always be with yourself, either creating a life you desire or one you despise.
You’ve gone this far. You’re doing the work, going inward and healing.
Now it’s time to take the next step to ask yourself the biggest question of all-- what is my dharma, soul’s purpose?

Your contribution is valuable
It’s time to recognize and celebrate your gifts
You were meant to make a difference
The Dharma Discovery Journey™ will help you figure out how,
in just 3 weeks time.